Cloud Computing
Private Cloud
REDDs private cloud offers our clients with bespoke word loads not suited to or not cost effective in a public cloud. Our cloud also offers costs effective backup and disaster recovery solutions.

Technology is driving every aspect of our world
Are you completely confident with your current IT provider? Are your risks being managed effectively? Do you want peace of mind through an independent, agnostic assesment that your Digital strategy and IT environment is aligned with your organisations performance and risk profile?
Are you looking for an independent assessment of your IT environment? Does the board or the executive require independent assurance that your organisations IT environment is optimised to meet the organisations performance and risk requirements? REDD can provide an independent assessment of your IT environment and digital strategy.
Ironpoint - Infrastructure as a service
Blurb about Ironpoint

Storepoint - Backup and Disaster Recovery
Storepoint provides a cost effective solution for customers to back up their data. At REDD we want you to back up everything all of the time and not break the bank doing it. Time and time again we see clients either relying on or assuming that first party cloud providers and SaaS cloud hosted software applications are backing up there data – this is not the case. Your organisation must have independent backups that are accessible and restorable without significant disruption to your business.

Case Study - CPA GPU Farm
talk about the case study etc..